Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Okay Lurkers!! Come out, Come out where ever you are!!

Calling all lurkers!!

Let me know who you are!! Leave me a comment and tell me how you came across my blog!!


Unknown said...

I found you searching for pregnancy loss, issues etc. I liked your writing style and kept following.

Anonymous said...

I typed in Google "babies make my heart melt" and the blog about your daughter waking up and smiling at you was adorable. =)

Parker's Paradise said...

I googled miscarriage blogs and found yours. I too have had success after miscarriage but the pain of losing that first pregnancy is still there. None of my friends or family have had that experience so it is nice to be able to read about someone else who has.

Anonymous said...

I googled success after miscarriage. I am having my 5 loss in a row right now :( I'm only 29 and I have had 5 losses in 3 1/2 years. Just feeling really depressed right now.

lovelifeinthesouth said...

from the nest. :) can you email me? lovelifeinthesouth at gmail dot com


Sarah said...

I did a google search for "No one will ever understand the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside." and found your blog. I kept reading because I had a miscarriage last year so your blog interested me. Beautifully written!

Tula's Mummy said...


And congratulations on the birth of beautiful Hailey.
I too suffered a loss a year ago at 12 weeks.
I also was blessed again with a baby girl 6 months ago, but my first will never be forgotten.

I love your blogg

Unknown said...

Just looking for hope of a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage at 14 your style and genuine words.

lisat68 said...

I've lost 3 babies through miscarriage and will probably lose the one I am now carrying...just found this out today. I've got a houseful of wonderful children that make life busy and joyful, so you'd think that a miscarriage wouldn't leave such a horrible hollow spot in my heart, but it does. These losses are so real as if I'd held these babies already. The grief is hard to describe to anyone who's never gone through it, so I did an internet search tonight. I just needed to hear from others that have gone through what I dealing with. So, now I wait for my impending "miscarriage", the doctor calls it. How do I do this waiting? My heart is absolutely broken.

Emm said...

I googled miscarriage survivor