Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10 things they didn't tell you about child birth

1. People (including the nurses) pick the time when you are breathing thru a big contraction to ask you questions.

2. After a vaginal birth and after the placenta is out, the nurse will push on your belly by the belly button (and it hurts like hell) a few times and you will feel tons of gushing, Randy said it was blood and clots.

3. This isn't only when your in labor, but people will feel the need to share their birth/labor experience with you (good or bad but especially the bad) either when your in labor, after you give birth, or even when still pregnant.

4. You sweat like the dickens after birth, c-section or vaginal.

5. You can poop during vaginal delivery. This happens more than you would think. Although, didn't happen to me. And no one will care if it does.

6. After an epidural, your back can hurt for a long time and also it can cause you to swell.

7. Granny panties, super maxi-pads and those mesh panties will become your new best friends. And also Tucks! Take a pack home from the hospital!

8. Your uterus cramps while breast feeding or pumping. This causes more blood to leak out.

9. The placenta looks like a tri tip.

10. You can feel phantom baby movements in your belly after birth.

10 things they didn't tell you about being pregnant

1. Everyone views your belly as a free-for-all. Even strangers will rub your belly.

2. Your nipple and aureoles get bigger....and DARKER

3. As the baby gets bigger you "Sniss." This is sudden urine leakage brought on by sneezing.

4. Everyone in the world has an opinion about your pregnancy or pregnancy in general or what you can/cannot eat, and they will share it with you even if its not solicited.

5. Your feet can swell so big that your shoes do not fit anymore.

6. Your feet are not the only parts of your body that swell, this includes your hands, legs, arms, face.....

7. Morning Sickness is not just reserved for the 1st trimester

8. A variety of fluids will leak from your nether regions which will result in a few pantie changes throughout the day.

9. Your belly will get fuzzy and then as your belly gets bigger the hair sticks straight up.

10. Suddenly you realize your deodorant isn't working as well as it used too.